Monday, January 25, 2010

Santa Ornament

This could be your child's handprint for Christmas!
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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Done Painting for Tonight!

Update: Kim Burkett's Home Party and Selena Hill's items should be ready for drop off by Tuesday. I will call/email as soon as I am finished with them. Will post pics to my blog and website as soon as possible....If you are giving your items as gifts and don't want the pictures posted just let me know and I won't post for another few months or so.

Also, I wanted to send a thank you out to all who have sent me referrals! I have totally been relying on referrals and love getting them. They are the BEST COMPLIMENT I can receive and hope everyone will take advantage of the $5 friend credit. I do keep a record of these and try to let you know...but that's kindof the last thing on my long list of to-dos. So if you are planning to order something just ask if you have any credits and I'll try to get you an answer within 24hrs :)

Some customers with at least 1 or more friend credits just off the top of my head:
Demetria Raper (3)
Lindsay Smith (1)
Kelly Vandavere (1+?)
Kim Burkett(1)
....I only remember these because they are recent....

I really am working on a way to alert people when they receive a credit, but some people don't have internet access and it has to be one way the same for all or some may get left out...any ideas?

Had a GOOD constructive day thanks to my hubby and looking forward to relaxing tomorrow! Good Night :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Please look for my new ad coming out in Parents-Kids Magazine in February....

Also, a special thanks to Rankin Children's Group for allowing me to display my Rack Cards with their offices...I was so excited to hear from Amy...

We're looking for local boutiques and online businesses to carry my thumbprinting the first and ONLY carrier in your me for availability.

We're always looking for new advertising opportunities so hurry, before I give that chance to someone else!

If you work for or visit Jackson Healthcare for Women put in a good note to Bill Brown! I'm hoping to accessorize their newly built clinic.

Well I'm off to finish my painting!

Good Night